Friday, September 5, 2008

Inventori Gaya Pembelajaran Paragon

ENFP:(E):Extroversion , (N):Intuition , (F):Feeler, (P):Perceiving .


Bersemangat tinggi, bijak dan imaginatif.
Mampu melakuan apa sahaja yang mereka minati.
Cepat dan sedia menolong menyelesaikan masalah orang lain.
Boleh diharap untuk mengatasi masalah di luar jangkaan berasaskan kebijakan mereka.
Boleh memberi alasan yang menyakinkan untuk tindakan mereka.

Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious, imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem. Often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance. Can usually find compelling reasons for whatever they want.

ENFP Learning Style

ENFPs learn best by exchanging ideas, conceptualising and role play.

To them, learning is a way of expanding their horizons and a path towards growth and development. They prefer to learn in an unconstrained, self-directed manner in which they can follow or absorb themselves in their current interests. They enjoy playing with ideas, experimenting with possibilities and thinking around the subject. They take in information globally, seeing first its broad shape and the possibilities inherent in it before looking at the detail, which they sometimes overlook.

A participative, varied and lively learning environment stimulates them mentally, and thus they tend to benefit from workshops, role playing exercises and discussion groups (as long as they are not held back by formality). Exercises, routine, detailed tasks, targets and highly structured programmes demotivate them.

As learners, ENFPs:

bulletare quick to grasp possibilities
bulletare motivated to learn in order to further their own and other people’s development
bulletenjoy abstraction and seeing patterns emerge by linking disparate ideas together
bulletprefer a lively, open atmosphere
bulletenjoy sharing their insights
bullettend to allow their creativity and inspiration free reign
bulletmay need to set themselves targets and timetables
bulletbenefit greatly from improving their note-taking technique, and from new ways of capturing information such as Mind Mapping

ENFPs are most comfortable learning when:

bulletexperiencing new problems or learning opportunities
bulletthere are a wide range of diverse activities
bulletasked to be in the limelight or positions of high visibility
bulletallowed to generate ideas without constraints of policy or structure or feasibility
bulletinvolved with other people, e.g. discussing ideas, solving problems as part of a team
bulletwhen acquiring knowledge which is part of a system, model, concept, theory
bulletthey can question and probe the basic methodology, assumptions or logic behind something, e.g. by taking part in a question and answer session
bulletoffered interesting ideas and concepts even though they are not immediately relevant
bulletshown techniques for personal improvement, such as how to make a good first impression, how to deal with awkward people

ENFPs are least comfortable when:

bulletinvolved in a passive role, e.g.listening to lectures, monologues, explanations, statements of how things should be done, reading, watching
bulletasked to stand back and not be involved
bulletrequired to engage in solitary work, e.g. reading, writing, thinking on their own
bulletasked to repeat essentially the same activity over and over again, e.g. when practising tasks
bulletthey are given precise instructions to follow with little room for manoeuvre
bulletrequired to focus on detail or tie up loose ends

However, engaging in learning activities that contain some of the above is often of greater benefit in terms of their overall development, as discussed earlier.

Now you know your learning style, you can choose the type of learning that suits you, or adapt learning material or courses you are attending to incorporate some of the ways you will learn effectively.

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